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Important Notice: This presentation is  not intended for individuals who have experienced a serious offense, such as infidelity or domestic violence. These behaviors should be addressed with a couple therapist.

Learning to Communicate Effectively

This activity helps couples who need to increase positive communication. This intervention is especially helpful for couples with high levels of conflict, or often use strong language.

The focus of this activity is developing strategies for communicating clearly and honestly with empathy.


To participate in this module complete the following activities:

1)    Read our blog on this topic at the link provided here: Click here

2)    Take a pre-test below on leveling and editing within your relationship and write down your scores.

3)    Watch the 5 minute video below demonstrating how to level and edit (together if possible)

4)    Download and Complete the worksheet on leveling and editing in your relationship with your partner

5)    Once you’ve completed the previous activities, retake the self-test on leveling and editing discuss what might improve your relationship with your partner, and compare your post-test results with the pre-test.

Step 2:  Take the pre-test.  Scroll down to take a self-test on Leveling and Editing in your relationship  (if you aren't working with a Hope consultant then type in "self directed" as the name of your consultant)


Step 3:  Watch this brief video to learn more about how to level and edit.

Step 4: Complete the Achieving Balance Worksheet to practice Leveling and Editing with your partner

Achieving balance worksheet.pdf Achieving balance worksheet.pdf
Size : 72.357 Kb
Type : pdf


Step 5:  After completing the information learned and the Achieving Balance Worksheet together, scroll down and take the short self-test again and see if you answers change. (if you aren't working with a Hope consultant then type in "self directed" as the name of your consultant)



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Interested in hiring a consultant to help you as a couple to assess what modules match you and coach you as a couple as you move through the e-Hope project modules?  It's easier and less expensive than you think.  Register at  

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