Core Vision

November 10, 2013

Do you ever think about what your relationship might look like in 1 year, 5 years, or 20 years? This couples enrichment module will help you to develop or clarify your relationship vision and even create a vision statement for your relationship. It is important for couples to have a common vision for their relationship. This vision will help guide and direct you through happy and difficult times alike.

Imagine your ideal relationship. What would it look like? Would it demonstrate intentional commitment, teamwork, open communication, or other positive values? Perhaps it would lead by serving and giving to others first? Maybe it would value humor and fun or quality time. Would it demonstrate a couple dedicated to meeting each other’s needs or to giving one another love, affection, and support? Or maybe it would seek to network in the community or invest in the next generation? The possibilities are endless! And there are no right or wrong answers. Every couple has their own unique vision that reflects their unique relationship.

Faith enrichment: If faith is important to the two of you, then you may want to consider how faith impacts your relationship vision. What is part of God’s plan for your relationship? You might even choose to refer to your relationship vision as your couple’s covenant.  Scripture views a covenant as a relationship (Malachi 2) unlike other relationships. Where might God be guiding your relationship? What would He like your relationship to look like in 1 year, 5 year, or 20 years? How might God want to use your relationship for His Kingdom?

When doing this module you are going to work together to create a vision statement for your relationship. Here are some tips:

1.  Don’t be perfect. Your life isn’t perfect so your vision statement project does not have to be perfect either. Remember that you are just imagining your future together as a couple.

2.  Work together.  The main goal of this activity is to work together for a joint vision of your future together. If one of you tends to take charge, then intentionally ask for input from your partner and value his/her input. If one of you tends to sit back, look for a part of the project that is most interesting to you and share your thoughts. If working together on a project is difficult, consider if this might be demonstrate information about your personal strengths and weaknesses.


About Me

MMATE Center The e-Hope project provides online resources to couples who want to invest in their relationship with effective internet-based interventions.


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