Exercise 1: Red Light

The goal of this exercise is to be present.
Most of the time, we are on autopilot and do not pay a lot of attention to what we are feeling or experiencing in a specific moment. If we are more present in the moment we can connect with ourselves and fully engage in the present moment.
If you want more information about what it means to be present you can watch this TED Talk by Elizabeth Acevedo.

Red Light

This exercise can be done at random times throughout the day. Try to practice three times a day on several days. When one of you calls a "red light." Red light is the signal for both of you to pause, take a deep breath, and take turns naming one thought, feeling, or sensory experience that you are aware of right at that moment.
Examples: "I feel frustrated," "I hear thunder," "I am thinking about problems at work."
After sharing your experience, you can reflect together on the following questions:
  • What is it like to identify an emotion or feeling in the moment?
  • Did you notice anything that was surprising about your feelings and/or your partner’s feelings during this exercise?
  • It is normal to have other thoughts coming up during this exercise and many individuals find it difficult to stay in the moment and not pass judgement on themselves. Share your experience with your partner.


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